Centering Prayer

The Art and Spirituality of Centering Prayer: A Journey into Inner Stillness


Finding moments of inner peace and connection with the divine can be challenging in the bustling cacophony of modern life. Centering prayer, a contemplative practice rooted in ancient traditions yet relevant today offers a pathway to stillness and spiritual renewal.

Historical Roots:

Centering prayer has roots in Christian mysticism and the contemplative tradition. While its origins can be traced back to the early Christian desert fathers and mothers, modern contemplatives like Thomas Merton, Thomas Keating, and Basil Pennington revitalized it in the 20th century. Drawing from ancient Christian practices such as hesychasm and the prayer of the heart, centering prayer emerged as a modern contemplative method accessible to people of all faiths.

Principles of Centering Prayer:

At its core, centering prayer is a simple yet profound method of silent prayer. Its practice involves sitting quietly in a comfortable position, gently letting go of thoughts, emotions, and distractions, and consenting to the presence and action of the divine within. Unlike other forms of prayer that involve words or petitions, centering prayer emphasizes receptivity and openness to the mystery of God’s presence.

The practice typically begins with a brief prayer or sacred word, known as a mantra, to help focus the mind and initiate the process of centering. As thoughts inevitably arise, practitioners are encouraged to gently return to the sacred word, allowing it to anchor their awareness in the present moment. Through this process of letting go and surrendering to the divine presence, practitioners enter a state of deep inner stillness and communion with God.

Spiritual Benefits:

Centering prayer offers many spiritual benefits for those who regularly engage in its practice. One of its primary benefits is the cultivation of inner peace and tranquility in the midst of life’s challenges. By quieting the mind and turning inward, practitioners learn to detach from the ego’s constant chatter and tap into a source of unshakeable serenity that transcends external circumstances.

Moreover, centering prayer facilitates a deeper awareness of God’s presence in all aspects of life. As practitioners become more attuned to the divine presence within, they develop a heightened sense of spiritual sensitivity and discernment, enabling them to recognize and respond more readily to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

Additionally, centering prayer fosters a sense of inner integration and wholeness, as it invites practitioners to embrace their authentic selves with compassion and acceptance. Through the process of self-emptying and surrender, individuals release the false identities and attachments that obscure their divine nature, allowing their authentic selves to shine forth more brightly.

Centering prayer, therefore, deepens one’s relationship with God and fosters a sense of intimacy and union with the divine. As practitioners rest in the silence of God’s presence, they experience a profound sense of communion that transcends words or concepts, entering into a sacred dialogue of love and surrender.


Centering prayer is a timeless invitation to journey into the depths of the soul and commune with the divine. Rooted in ancient wisdom yet relevant in today’s world, this contemplative practice offers a pathway to inner stillness, spiritual renewal, and intimate communion with God. As we embrace the art and spirituality of centering prayer, may we discover the profound depths of our being and awaken to the infinite love that dwells within and around us.

ALL may, SOME should, NONE must

Author: interioraltar

Rector, serving Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Fayetteville, NC in the Diocese of East Carolina.

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